Transcript of Mohammad Ali Jinnah's speech of June 3, 1947 - released by All India Radio
Dated 03.06.1947 (Jinnah recording from AIR Archives)
I am glad that I have been afforded the opportunity to speak to you directly through this radio from Delhi. It is the first time I believe that a non-official has been accorded an opportunity to address the people through the medium of this powerful instrument direct to the people on political matters.
It augurs well and I hope that in the future I shall have greater facilities to enable me to voice my view and opinions which will directly to you live rather than in the cold print of the newspapers. This statement of his majesty’s government embodying the plan of the transfer of power to the peoples of India has already been broadcast and will be released to the press to be published tomorrow morning.
It gives the outlines of a plan for us to give it our most consideration we have to examine it coolly, calmly and dispassionately. We must remember that we have to take momentous decisions and handle grave issues facing us in the solution of the complex political problem of this great subcontinent ihabibited by 400 millions of people. The words has no parallel on the most onerous and difficult task which we have to perform.
Grave responsibilities lies particularly on the shoulders of Indian leaders therefore we must galvanise and concentrate all our energies to see that the transfer f power is effected in a peaceful and orderly manner. I must earnestly appeal to every community in particularly the Muslims in India to maintan peace and order. We must examine the plan, in its letter and spirit and come our conclusions and take our decision. I pray to god that in this critical moment he may guide us and enable us to discharge our responsibilities in a wise and a statesmanlike manner having regard to the sum total of the plan as a whole.
It is clear that the plan does not meet in some important respects in our point of view. And we cannot say of feel that we are satisfied or that we agreed with some of the matters
dealt with in the plan. It is for us to consider whther the plan as presented to us by his majesty’s government should be accepted by us as a compromise or a settlement.
On this point I do not wish to judge. The decision of the Council of All India Muslim Council League which has been summoned to meet on Monday the Nineth of June and the final decision can only be taken by the Council according to our constitution, precedence and practise.
But so far as I have been able to gather in the whole raction in the Muslim League Circle in Delhi has been hopeful. Of course the plan has got to be very carefully examined in its pros and cons before a final decision can be taken. I must say that I feel the viceroy has battled against various forces very bravely and the expression that the has left in my minds is that he was activated by a high sense of fairness and impartiality and it is important to us to make his task less difficult and help him as insofar as it lies in our power in order that he may fulfill his vision of transger of power to the people of India in a peaceful and orderly manner.
Now that the plas has been broadcas orally and makes it clear in paragraph 11 that the referundum will be made to the electororates of the present legislative assembly and the North West Frontier who will choose which of the two alternatives in paragraph 4 they wish to adopt. The referendum will be held under the aegis of the governor general in consultation with the provincial government.
Hence it is clear that the verdict and the mandate of the people of the rontier province will be obtained as to whether they want to join the Pakistan Constituent Assembly or the Hindustan Constituent Assembly.
In these circumstances, I request provincial Muslim League of the frontier province to withdraw the movement of peaceful civil disobedience which they have perforce resosted or and I call upon all the leaders of the Muslim League and the Musalmans generally to organize all the people to face the referendum with open courage and I geel confident that
the people of the Frontier will give their verdict by a solid vote to join the Pakistan Constituent Assembly.
I cannot but express my appereciation of the sufferings and sacrificies made by all classes of Muslmans and particularly the great part that the women of the frontier played in the fight for our civil liberties. Without apportioning blame and this is hardly the moment to do so, I deeply sumpathise with all those who have suffered and those who died and whose properties were subjected to destruction and I fervently hope that the Frontier will go through this referendum in a peaceful manner and it should be the anxiety of everyone to obtain a fair, free and true verdict of the people.
Once more, I must earnestly appeal to all to maintain peace and order.
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